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Create New Student Profile

Thank you for choosing Hawkeye Business and Community Education for your personal and professional development.

Please provide as much information as possible when creating your student profile. Some of the information is required and is critical for communication.

Please follow the directions below when creating your profile:

  • Email addresses are required. Please use an email that you check on a regular basis. Email is used to send registration confirmations, receipts, and confirmed class reminders. You may receive emails for future Business and Community Education offerings.
  • Use proper case on name and address, when applicable. This information will be reflected on any official documents.
  • Include your mailing address. Any official documents will be sent to the address provided.

Please contact Hawkeye Business and Community Education by email or call 319-296-4290 if you have additional questions.

* denotes required information.
Username: minimum 6 characters
Password: minimum 12 characters, must contain a number and any two of the following three: upper case, lower case, special characters (for example: (){}!@$%^&*)
 Privacy Policy

Social Security Number

Providing a SSN will ensure CEUs are most accurately reported for your student record. Students utilizing grant funds must provide SSN. Nine digits; no dashes
Female Male
Educational Level

Primary Address
Secondary Address

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E-mail Preference
Yes No
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Yes No
Iowa Resident Non Iowa US Citizen or Permanent Resident
Non-Hispanic Hispanic; Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central/South American or other Spanish culture or origin
Employment Industry