Use of innovative technologies to create existing products and the creation of new products. Advanced manufacturing can include production activities that depend on information, automation, computation, software, sensing, and networking. The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) are integrated for increased automation, improved communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention.
Hawkeye Business and Community Education provides professional skill development for individuals and businesses. Cutting-edge, rigorous and relevant career and technical education (CTE) prepares youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers . Browse a complete list of our courses or course series and if you do not see the type of course you are looking for suggest a course or contact us to learn more about designing customized training for your workforce.